22nd April 2009


1.      Arrived at Vomo Island

2.      The hammocks!!! Everyone took turns in climbing onto the hammock and making a fool of themselves while entertaining the other family members during the afternoon. When the initial novelty expired, I had a chance to really settled down in the hammock, and enjoy the peaceful serenity of the island. Lying there with my ipod, watching the blue sky and the white clouds, with some palm leaves in the exact place where I need them to be, blocking out the bright sunlight for me as I lied there enjoying the gentle swing and the lullaby breeze. Turning my head to the right, I can see our beachfront villas, see my family amongst the two villas, and occasionally, see someone doing something that yielded a smile on my face. Turning my head to the left, I can see coconut trees growing in irregular formations upon the opulent green grass, see the white sandy beaches beyond that, and see patches of light and dark blue stretching out further, connecting the water and the sky…in fact it’s almost impossible to tell where the waters end, and where the skies start. It feels like I can really lie there for a whole day, enjoying the scene and atmosphere. Serenity, tranquility…words I never used before, all of a sudden feel so fit and meaningful.

3.      Becoming an Fijian with the flowers and the sarongs~ Upon the entrance into our villas, we discovered a villas covered in flowers. Each of us took the brightly colored flowers and placed them behind our ears imitating the local Fijians. We went crazy taking photos of ourselves in our new Fijian style.

4.      Paddled to mini Vomo with Adam…exciting, yet scary adventure! The glowing blue/purple fishes and coral reef~ The scary black/brown extremely smooth rock/shell/unknown that Adam picked up which floats on water and turns into a red/brown color in water…freaky~